2020 Technology

                           by Kei of Carnage

After  reading  Phil 97's article on what he thinks will be the state of
technology  in  the  future, I figured I'd have to do a reply article to
this as I have been talking to people who work for these companies quite
recently over specific USENET channels.


 Japans  high definition TV project is binned and the americans hit back
with  their  fully digital television units.  Unlike traditional TV sets
these  have built in VCR's with editing decks to allow the user to fully
customise the way his broadcasts are presented.
 These sets feature a high bandwidth cable connection allowing the phone
to be integrated into the TV providing digital, visual communications.


 Set top boxes are distributed throughout the world featuring smart card
slots  and  game  ports.   You can now surf the internet from home doing
your  banking  and  shopping  from  home.   You do not own the boxes but
rather  a telecommunications company does so you are effectively renting
the  box  from  them.  They will change the box every time an upgrade is
required.   Some  die hard anti-system people use modified set-top boxes
or "decks" to give them better access and free connection.


 The  new version is implemented giving unlimited domain naming capacity
and  reducing  the  load  on  the  old  class system.  More features are
encorporated  bringing  even  more everyday digital tasks into a package
deal.   Still  hyped  by  the  media,  the internet never becomes truely
secure  with  all  the  security proffessionals and hackers in the world
today.   Back  end  internet  systems  develope  which  are invite only.
Starting  as  small  intranets  they  handle  large  amounts of data for
corporate  and  private  sector customers who do not wish their personal
information  to  be  put  at  risk  by being transmitted over the public
internet pathways.

Mobile and Home phones

 The  univeral  number  system  is  finally completed.  Area and country
codes  are  done  away with.  If you move, you can take your number with
you  even  if  you  move  out  of the county or even to another country.
Telecommunication  companies  are now indisquishable but costs are still
high.   Phone  phreaks  can  still manipulate the system but it is now a
business  and  those  phreaks with little or no money do not survive for
long.  Phones these days are little more than an ear ring.


 The  year  2000 bill regarding a ban on 4 star leaded petrol is finally
passed.   A new market for engine convertors for classic cars springs up
over  night.   One  company offers a liquid solution which when added to
unleaded  petrol  makes  your  car  think it is 4 star.  Modern cars are
electric  as the electric car companies have found a way to make them go
even  faster.   A  new hacking trend called "car hacking" is started and
becomes  popular  on the internet.  This involves bypassing car security
systems  to steal car data from the on board computers and also removing
the  police monitoring equipment software so you cannot be detected when
going for a joy ride.
 Roadside  kerb detectors are implemented so you can now drink and drive
as  the  car  will  drive  you  home while you are passed out behind the

Power Generation

 Non-environmental  methods  are  thased out and are replaced with tidal
and  solar systems.  Also power companies are smaller and there are more
of  them.   They mainly supply solar panels and home generators than the
actual power itself.  They may provide a backup system during winter.


 The  NHS  is  finally  abolished and health and medicine service is now
provided  by  private  corporations.  Those people not working or on the
dole  collect  shopping coupons and bonous points on their health cards.
One  hundred  points  gets  you a checkup and a thousand points gets you
minor  surgery  at  a localised hospital which is a member of the health
point corporation.
